Monster Hunter Rise Weapons  (MHR or MHRise) are the many categories of equipment that is used during a Hunt to deal damage to Monsters. MHR Weapons are divided into fourteen types, each with special requirements and a unique move-set, complete with strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to Switch Skills and the Wirebug, Monster Hunter Rise Weapons have been revamped to include new and unique abilities, which are detailed on their individual pages.

Best Monster Hunter Rise Weapons List (Raw)


MH Rise Weapons Quick Mechanics

For a showcase of the Best Weapons for Monster Hunter Rise please visit each category page. You can find a full list by element, as well as check out the Builds for each weapon type. Some players may need to make a leveling build for something they can use in order to obtain the best-in-slot items, and we have provided alternatives for this purpose.

    • Combat for Weapon Mechanics, and tips regarding fighting monsters, exploration, interaction, a basic understanding of the controls for Monster Hunter Rise, and basic guides on familiarizing the various Weapons that are available in the game
    • Defense and Elemental Resistance for detailed information on surviving combat with Monsters.
  • Some weapons have Elemental Damage that is grayed out and in parentheses. These type of damage refers to a  secondary damage dealt by Weapons and Monsters which can be mitigated by specific Resistances. These weapons require a skill called Free Elem/Ammo Up to take effect. Each Monster has weaknesses and resistances to the five types of Elemental Damage, causing them to take more or less damage from these sources. For example, the Lagombi is a Monster that favors cold habitats, predominantly uses Ice Elemental attacks and has a severe weakness to Fire Elemental damage. The in-game Hunter's Notes covers these Weaknesses and Resistances for each Monster under the Physiology tab. 
  • For information on configuring your Hunter arsenal, see Loadouts (Builds).
  • For information improving Weapons, see Augmentations and Upgrades.
  • Monster Hunter Rise adds New special Skills to weapon types. See each weapon page for details. 
    • Each piece of equipment can have one or more Skills attached and each Skill on a piece of equipment can provide 1 or more levels of the skill. Each level equipped contributes to the Skill's overall effect.
    • All Skills have a maximum level, after which, additional levels in the skill will provide no further benefit.
    • Many Skills have only 1 level and provide their full benefit immediately upon equipping while other skills have varying levels of effects and can have additional effects at higher levels.
  • Set Skills return to Monster Hunter Rise.



Monster Hunter Rise Weapons: Choices in MH Rise

When picking a Monster Hunter Rise Weapon, it is important to consider its Damage Type and/or Status Effect to take advantage of a Monster's weaknesses.

  • Raw (Physical) Damage from Weapons is dealt as one of three types: Cutting (Sever), Blunt, and Ammo, while Elemental Damage has five types: Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon.
  • Status Effects do not directly deal damage, but rather build up effects including Poison, Stun, Paralysis, Sleep, and Blast.
  • Monsters' resistance to Raw and Elemental Damage will vary by body part, while resistance to Status Effects vary by Monster.

Additionally, keep in mind that wielding a Blademaster (melee) Weapon will reduce Physical Damage taken, while ranged Weapons will reduce Elemental Damage taken.

MHRise Master Rank Weapons

Introduced with the release of the Sunbreak ExpansionMaster Rank Weapons are a brand new and more powerful tier of Weaapons available to hunters to help them deal with the deadlier Monsters that can be found on the Sunbreak Expansion. These weapons use Master Rank Materials that can be obtained by completing quests and doing endgame content.

Note that these Weapons can only be accessed by players that have purchased and installed the Sunbreak Expansion. For those who own the expansionless version of Monster Hunter, these Weapons are unobtainable.


Monster Hunter Rise Weapon Categories

There are fourteen different Monter Hunter Rise weapons at the Hunter's disposal, each with their own unique characteristics and attacks. Many hunters acquire proficiency in multiple types, while others prefer to gain mastery in one.

rare 1 greatsword mhw tree Great Sword

Large, powerful but slow heavy-damagers
Great Sword Weapon Tree

great sword weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Great Swords

rare 1 sword shield mhw tree Sword & Shield

Balanced, mobile & beginner friendly
Sword & Shield Weapon Tree

sword and shield weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Sword & Shield

rare 1 dual blades mhw tree Dual Blades

Light with extremely fast flurry of attacks
Dual Blades Weapon Tree

dual blades weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Dual Blades

rare 1 longsword mhw tree Long Sword

Nimble and with great melee range
Long Sword Weapon Tree

long sword weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Long Swords

rare 1 hammer mhw tree Hammer

Slow but heavy & stunning attacks
Hammer Weapon Tree

hammer weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

 Click here to see all Master Rank Hammers

rare 1 hunting horn mhw tree Hunting Horn

Easy and long range support weapon
Hunting Horn Weapon Tree

hunting horn weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Hunting Horns

rare 1 lance mhw tree Lance

Strong Defense and Offense
Lance Weapon Tree

lance weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

 Click here to see all Master Rank Lances

rare 1 gunlance mhw tree Gunlance

High offense, limited range
Gunlance Weapon Tree

gunlance weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

 Click here to see all Master Rank Gunlances

rare 1 switch axe mhw tree Switch Axe

Versatile, fast & elemental damage
Switch Axe Weapon Tree

switch axe monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

 Click here to see all Master Rank Switch Axes

rare 1 charge blade mhw tree Charge Blade

Versatile, powerful and fast
Charge Blade Weapon Tree

charge blade monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Charge Blades

rare 1 insect glaive mhw tree tree Insect Glaive

Mobile, aerial attacks and buffs
Insect Glaive Weapon Tree

insect glaive weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Insect Glaives

rare 1 bow mhw tree Bow

Fast, ranged debuff attacks
Bow Weapon Tree

bow weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Bows

rare 1 light bowgun mhw tree Light Bowgun

High mobility, rapid fire ranged weapon
Light Bowgun Weapon Tree

light bowgun weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

 Click here to see all Master Rank Light Bowguns

rare 1 heavy bowgun mhw tree Heavy Bowgun

Slow but powerful ranged attacks
Heavy Bowgun Weapon Tree

heavy bowgun weapons monster hunter rise wiki guide mhr 300

Click here to see all Master Rank Heavy Bowguns


All Monster Hunter Rise Weapons List

Master Rank Weapons Gallery
Low & High Rank Weapons Gallery

Great Sword Gallery MHR

Great Sword Defender Weapons


Great Sword Kamura Weapons





Great Sword Ore Weapons




Great Sword Bone Weapons






Great Sword Independent Weapons






Sword & Shield Gallery MHR

Dual Sword Defender Weapons


Sword and Shield Defender Weapons


Sword and Shield Kamura Weapons






Sword and Shield Ore Weapons





Sword and Shield Bone Weapons





Sword and Shield Independent Weapons







Dual Blades Gallery MHR

Dual Sword Defender Weapons


Dual Sword Kamura Weapons



Dual Sword Ore Weapons





Dual Sword Bone Weapons





Dual Sword Independent Weapons







Long Sword Gallery MHR

Long Swords Defender Tree


Long Sword Kamura Weapons




Long Sword Ore Weapons





Long Sword Bone Weapons







Long Sword Independent Weapons





Hammers Gallery MHR

Hammer Defender Weapons


Hammer Kamura Weapons




Hammer Ore Weapons






Hammer Bone Weapons






Hammer Independent Weapons






Hunting Horns Gallery MHR

Hunting Horn Defender Weapons


Hunting Horn Kamura Weapons













Hunting Horn Ore Weapons





Hunting Horn Bone Weapons





Hunting Horn Independent Weapons







Lances Gallery MHW

Lance Kamura Weapons



Lance Ore Weapons




Lance Bone Weapons




Lance Independent Weapons













Gunlance Gallery MHR

Gunlance Defender Weapons


Gunlance Kamura Weapons




Gunlance Ore Weapons




Gunlance Bone Weapons



Gunlance Independent Weapons







Switch Axes Gallery MHR

Switch Axe Defender Weapons 


Switch Axe Kamura Weapons



Switch Axe Ore Weapons




Switch Axe Bone Weapons





Switch Axe Independent Weapons






Charge Blades Gallery MHR

Charge Blade Defender Weapons 


Charge Blade Kamura Weapons



Charge Blade Ore Weapons



Charge Blade Bone Weapons




Charge Blade Independent Weapons






Insect Glaives Gallery MHR

Insect Glaives Defender Weapons


Insect Glaives Kamura Weapons


Insect Glaives Ore Weapons



Insect Glaives Bone Weapons




Insect Glaives Independent Weapons







Bows Gallery MHR

Bow Defender Weapons 


Bow Kamura Weapons



Bow Ore Weapons 



Bow Bone Weapons 





Bow Independent Weapons 














Light Bowguns Gallery MHR

Light Bowguns Defender Weapons 


Light Bowguns Kamura Weapons




Light Bowguns Ore Weapons



Light Bowguns Bone Weapons




Light Bowguns Independent Weapons





Heavy Bowguns Gallery MHR

Heavy Bowguns Defender Weapons 


Heavy Bowguns Kamura Weapons



Heavy Bowguns Ore Weapons




Heavy Bowguns Bone Weapons





Heavy Bowguns Independent Weapons





Great Sword Gallery MHR


Master Rank Great Sword Kamura Weapons








Master Rank Great Sword Ore Weapons





Master Rank Great Sword Bone Weapons










Master Rank Great Sword Independent Weapons









Sword & Shield Gallery MHR


Master Rank Sword & Shield Kamura Weapons
















Master Rank Sword & Shield Ore Weapons














Master Rank Sword & Shield Bone Weapons









Master Rank Sword & Shield Independent Weapons
















Dual Blades Gallery MHR


Master Rank Dual Blade Kamura Weapons





Master Rank Dual Blade Ore Weapons

















Master Rank Dual Blade Bone Weapons









Master Rank Dual Blade Independent Weapons















Long Sword Gallery MHR


Master Rank Long Sword Kamura Weapons












Master Rank Long Sword Ore Weapons