Buddies in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise) are companions that a hunter can bring to their expedition. As well all love and know, the Palicoes make their triumphant return in this new Monster Hunter series but they are now joined by the brand new Palamutes. Each buddy works differently but both of them provide tactical support for the hunter. This page covers information regarding the buddy feature in MH Rise.

Buddies can be fully customized as well during character creation, so players can customize your Palamute's coat, eyes, ears, tail, and voice, and Palicoes let you pick your favorite support type on top of that too. Buddies can be pet as well at any time you want. Take note that in single-player mode, you can take any combination of two Buddies with you but in multiplayer mode, you can only bring along one Buddy, so choose wisely.

Click here to view Buddy Skills, Support Moves and Secret Support Moves



Monster Hunter Rise Buddies


palico buddy

  • See Palico Equipment for a full list of Palico Armor, Weapons, and Layered Armor!
  • Palicoes have behaviors:
    • Large Only: Exclusively targets large monsters
    • Large First: Prioritizes large monsters
    • Balanced: Attacks all monsters
    • Small First: Prioritizes small monsters
    • Small Only: exclusively targets small monsters
  • Palicoes have 5 specializations that give them specific support moves:
    • Healer - A support type that focuses on recovery moves. Uses healing to keep hunters in tip-top fighting shape.
    • Assist - A support type that's ready to assist. Places traps to weaken monsters and set up advantageous situations.
    • Fight - A support type that focuses on combat. Can become fur-ious, boosting its own attack and making it a fantastic fighting furball.
    • Bombardier - A support type with a penchant for blowing things up. Has high explosive power and can handle large bombs.
    • Gathering - A support type that can sniff out valuables. Highly suited to pilfering items and collecting quality materials.
  • They can serve as harvesting helpers for gathering Items in the wild.
  • In combat, they can support you with offensive and defensive maneuvers.
  • Palicoes are a cat-like combat companion, they provide the hunter with tactical support in battle.
  • They are reliable when it comes to hunting since they are capable of assisting the hunter in different ways.
  • They are capable of communicating with local wild cats and convince them to help hunters by setting traps.


palamute about monster hunter rise wiki guide

  • See Palamute Equipment for a full list of Palamute Armor, Weapons and Layered Armor!
  • Palamute Tactis are as follow:
    • Basic: Close range melee damage
    • Pincer: Works with the hunter to attack in pincer formation
    • Follow: Attacks while remaining near their hunter
  • Palamute Skills can include:
    • Health Up, Attack Up, Negate Paralysis, Knockout King, Artful Dodger, Earplugs, Element Attack Up, Ranged Attack Up
  • Palamutes have special GEAR (See our Palamute Gear page for more info):
    • Dual Blade Chain
    • Steel Fang
    • Stoutcore Fang
    • Guarding Parasol
    • Large Shuriken
    • Scrolls
  • Palamutes are a new type of Buddy that will join you on your hunts.
  • You can even use some items and recover health while on the move.
  • They will synchronize their attacks with you, and they will even let you ride on their backs.
  • As long as you're riding a Palamute, you will not consume any stamina, so you can run across the fields to your heart's content. 


Issuing Commands

buddy commands manual mhr wiki guide

You can give commands to your Buddies. "Wait!" is one such order that you can issue, which directs your buddy to stop in place. "Let me Ride!" is another, which allows you to ride a Palamute. Skillfull command of your Buddies will help make for a smooth hunting collaboration.

Communicating with Buddies

Use the "Wait!" command to put your Buddy into standby. If you walk up to Buddies that are on standby, you can interact with them. Follow the button prompts to see all the fun things you can do with your furry friends!

Riding Palamutes

riding palamutes manual mhr wiki guide

When accompanied by a Palamute, you'll have access to the Let me Ride! command, allowing for rapid transport within a locale. Hop on your Palamute and you'll arrive at your destination in no time! There are two ways to ride a Palamute:

  • Hold down a button switch mhr wiki guide while near a Palamute.
  • Issue the "Let me Ride!" command from the action bar.

Palamute Riding Controls are as follows:

  • Use the left stick switch mhr wiki guide to move around.
  • Hold r button switch mhr wiki guide to dash forward.
  • Press zr button switch mhr wiki guide to jump.
  • Press zl button switch mhr wiki guide and use the left stick switch mhr wiki guide to drift while dashing
  • Press x button switch mhr wiki guide to attack.
  • Press b button switch mhr wiki guide to dismount.
  • Press b button switch mhr wiki guide to perform a jumping dismount while dashing.


Buddy Skills

Buddy Skills are Skills that can be taught to your Palico and Palamute Buddies. The equipped buddy skills can be viewed on your Buddy Info Screen when interacting with a Buddy Expert. Buddy skills can be earned by completing Requests at the quest counter. Requests are small petitions by NPCs that can be completed during a Hub Quest or a Village Quest.  Skill memory is required to equip skills. You can view the number of skill memory each skill slots by taking a look at the displayed icons next to the  Skill titles when viewing the Buddy Info Tab.

Skill Memory

Skill memory is required to equip skills; each Buddy has 3 base Skill memory by default, which increases by 1 at levels 10 and 25. You can view the number of skill memory each skill slots by taking a look at the displayed icons next to the Skill titles when viewing each skill. View the Info tab when interacting with the Buddy Expert and it will also display the current number of Skill Memory Slots that you currently have. Skill memory points can be unlocked with the Buddy Expert himself. In the Sunbreak expansion, you will have the option to Increase skill memory (up to a max of three times, per Buddy), then you will be prompted to choose a Buddy Type. Select which buddy that needs that increased Skill memory. You will need a Eurekacorn for each increase. 


  • Giving eurekacorn memory skills appraisal item monster hunter wiki guide Euerekacorns to Buddies helps increase their Skill Memory. A Buddy's Skill Memory can be increased a total of three times.
  • You can obtain Eurekacorns from the Meowcenaries (MR only), optional subquests, and other situations.

How do I use a buddy in Monster Hunter Rise online?

Though you can bring 2 Buddies with you on hunts when you're in offline mode, you are limited to only 1 Buddy when playing online with other people. The buddy you bring will be whoever is 'equipped' in the first Buddy slot when previewing your Buddies at the Buddy Board.

Support Moves and Secret support Moves

Support Moves and Secret Support Moves are Skills that can be taught to your Palico Buddies. The equipped Secret Support Moves can be viewed on your Buddy Info Screen when interacting with a Buddy Expert. Here, you can also view the Support Moves available to swap in. This will also display what kinds of Support Moves there are along with their conditions, types, and effects. 

Support Moves

  • Support Moves are default Skills that can be taught specifically to your Buddies (Palicoes). They can be taught and equipped as long as the Buddy meets the required Conditions to use the support move.

Secret Support Moves

  • Secret Support Moves are mainly used in combat and it is a new mechanic featured in the Sunbreak Expansion and players can acquire different Secret Support moves by completing 3 MR Quests with each type of Palico. All types of Palico can use all Secret Support Moves.

How do you scout a Buddy in MHR?

Players are able to create and customize their own Palico and Palamute, but you are not limited to only using these two Buddies during hunts or for other Buddy activities such as the Argosy or Meowcenaries. More Buddies can be obtained through the Buddy Scout by speaking to Buddy Handler Iori at the Buddy Plaza in Kamura Village or by speaking to Nagi the Buddy Agent at the Elgado Outpost. With the Buddy Scout, you can use Zenny to hire both Palicoes and Palamutes with different skills and abilities. The more you progress through the game, the higher the base level Buddies you'll be offered. There is a limit to how many Buddies you can hire at one time, so keep an eye out on your Buddy capacity.

Under the Buddy Scout is also the Scout a Buddy option. With this menu, though you can't customize the buddy's skills, you can customize the looks and support type of the Buddies you'll hire. After completing at least one mission, the Buddies under the Hire menu should have the features you specified.


Buddy Skills in Mh Rise


Palicoes Support Moves in MHR

Support Moves are abilities that Palicoes can use in combat to aid the hunter. Some moves are offensive, dealing damage or buffing buddies and hunters' ability to deal damage, while some are more defense-oriented, boosting defensive capabilities. Some moves can also provide utility by way of healing or trapping monsters, among other effects. Support Moves are used automatically once learned, but the hunter can use a Felvine Bulb to increase the frequency with which Palicoes perform these abilities.

The chart below lists all available Support Moves.

  • Each Palico can learn up to five Support Moves, which are pre-determined upon creation or hiring of the Palico.
  • Each Palico specializes in one of five Support Types. A Palico's type pre-determines their Level 1 and Level 20 Support Moves.
  • Level 5, 10 and 15 Support Moves are drawn at random from a pool for each level milestone, represented in each row below. This means that a Palico specialized in Assist may learn moves from any other specializations upon reaching these levels.
  • You can check what Support Moves a Palico will have before hiring or creating one.


Support Type /


Healer healer palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guide

Assist assist palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guide

Fight fight palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guide

Bombardier bombardier palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guide

Gathering gathering palico support moves monster hunter rise wiki guide

LV 1 Pre-set Support Move

herbaceoushealing palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideHerbaceous Healing

Effect: Places a plant with restorative powers that continuously heals any nearby allies.

felynesilkbind palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideFelyne Silkbind

Effect: Fires movement-hindering ironsilk at large monsters, using a Palico-sized ballista.

rousingroar palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideRousing Roar

Effect: Lets loose a fearsome roar, empowering buddies and hunters.

felynewyvernblast palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideFelyne Wyvernblast

Effect: Fires Palico-sized Wyvernblast shells at monsters, triggering explosions when they strike.

endemiclifebarrage palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideEndemic Life Barrage

Effect: Fires endemic life at monsters from a ballista. Results vary according to launched creatures.

LV 5 Support Move

healingbubble palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideHealing Bubble

Effect: Creates bubbles that pop and provide healing when touched. Bigger bubbles heal more. 

gofightwin palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideGo, Fight, Win

Effect: Reduces hunters' stamina loss while your Palico is dancing.

whirlwindassault palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideWhirlwind Assault

Effect: Spins around using their weapon to create a whirlwind, then rams into monsters.

zapblastspinner palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideZap Blast Spinner

Effect: Unleashes a horde of top-shaped bombs that track monsters.

megaboomerang palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideMega Boomerang

Effect: Hurls a gargantuan boomerang based on weapon attack type at foes. 

LV 10 Support Move 

vaseofvitality palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideVase of Vitality

Effect: Places a vase that heals various status ailments. Stand in the smoke to receive its effects.

summeownendemiclife palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideSummeown Endemic Life

Effect: Places a fragrant pouch that entices nearby endemic life to approach.

powerdrum palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guidePower Drum

Effect: Sounds a drum that raises attack and defense for both hunters and Buddies

antimonstermine palico support moves monster hunter rise wiki guideAnti-Monster Mine

Effect: Places a mine that explodes when tripped by a large monster, sometimes also staggering them.

camouflage palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideCamouflage

Effect: Your Palico conceals themselves temporarily, preventing them from being targeted by monsters.

LV 15 Support Move

furbiddenacorn palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideFurbidden Acorn

Effect: Heals a buddy and temporarily prevents loss of its health.

shockpurrison palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideShock Purr-ison

Effect: Sets up a shock trap that stops large monsters from moving. 

fleetfootfeat palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideFleet-foot Feat

Effect: Draws a monster's attention, skillfully evades their attack, then mounts a counterattack.

flashbombay palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideFlash Bombay

Effect: Sets a bomb that flies into the air and emits a bright flash.

shocktripper palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideShock Tripper

Effect: Drops a lingering electric field that inflicts thunderblight on monsters within it.

LV 20 Pre-Set Support Move

healthhorn palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideHealth Horn

Effect: Greatly recovers Buddy and player health.

poisonpurrison palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guidePoison Purr-ison

Effect: Sets a trap that immobilizes large monsters and inflicts them with poison.

furrious palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideFurr-ious

Effect: Your Palico becomes fur-ious. In this state, their attack power increases drastically.

gigabarrelbombay palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guideGiga Barrel Bombay

Effect: Rushes at a foe with a Giga Barrel Bomb. 

pilfer palico supportmoves monster hunter rise wiki guidePilfer

Effect: A boomerang attack that steals materials from monsters.


Palico Secret Support Moves MHR

Secret Support Moves are mainly used in combat and it is a new mechanic featured in the Sunbreak Expansion and players can acquire different Secret Support moves by completing 3 MR Quests with each type of Palico. All types of Palico can use all Secret Support Moves.

Secret Support Move



Healing Clover Bat
Support A bat that scatters an auto-healing power after you've inflicted enough damage to a monster
Lottery Box
Support A lottery box containing scrolls. When a scroll is drawn, a random Support Move will be performed.
Felyn Fireworks
Attack Set up a massive firework that damages foes off after a fixed period of time. Usable from the Action Bar. 
Felyn Powered-Up
Support Upgrades Buddy Support Moves and Palamute Gear by means of a special performance.
Ameowzing Mist
Trap Sets a mine that does elemental damage to large monsters when detonated. 

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