The Rampage Approaches

Category Rampage Quest
Objective - Defend the final gate
Client Fugen the Elder
Location Red Stronghold
Main Rewards Defender Ticket 1
Reward 1980 zenny_monster_hunter_rise_wiki_guide

The Rampage Approaches is a Rampage Quest in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise)Rampage is a special type of Quest where Hunters are tasked with defending Kamura Village from waves upon waves of Monsters. Rampage Quests have a unique objective and gameplay flow that differ greatly from regular hunts. Monsters will invade the village in large numbers, attempting to destroy its fortifications and Hunters will need to repel these invasions to complete the quest.


Alright, Squirt! It won't be long 'fore the Rampage reaches the Stronghold. Our defenders will do their best to hold 'em off, but if anything breaches their line, you're huntin' it! Got it? Now let's get ot it!


The Rampage Approaches Information

  • Number of Areas: 1
  • Hordes: 2 Hordes
  • Scope: Small
  • Conditions: None
  • Failure Conditions: Final gate is destroyed


The Rampage Approaches Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here





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