
ディアブロス (Diaburosu)

diablos render large monster mhrise wiki guide
Enemy Type Large Monster
Class Flying Wyvern
Threat Level 7⭐
Element None
Ailment(s) None
Weakness(es) iceblightg icon mhr wiki guideIce
Resistance(s) fireblight icon mhr wiki guideFire
Location(s) Sandy Plains
Rampage Role rampage stalker icon monster hunter wiki guideStalker

Diablos is a Large Monster that appears in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise). Diablos is a large, bipedal wyvern with a fierce attitude and an armor-like shell of hard scales that make it difficult to injure. Diablos is typically found in the sandy deserts of the Sandy Plains, although it can also be seen in the Lava Caverns and the Flooded Forest. Diablos has a reddish-brown body that is covered in thick scales, with a long, spiky tail and two large horns jutting out of its skull. Its wings are broad and powerful, allowing it to fly at high speeds. Its eyes glow a menacing yellow, and it screams in a terrifying manner that can be heard from miles away. Large Monsters like Diablos are hostile and are usually the primary objective of Hunts. They provide valuable Materials when defeated.

Diablos Monster Guide: Characteristics, Weaknesses, Drops, Locations, Weapons & Armor, Strategies, Tips & Tricks and more to help you defeat Diablos in MH Rise.


The wide plains of the desert
A heated battle ground
Suddenly, a rumbling
A world-shattering sound
Twin horns split the sand below
No longer earthbound
For this is the true ruler
Of this dry dystopia
Trespassers shall be punished
Protect thy cornucopia 


MH Rise Diablos Characteristics & Ecology

Known as the "Tyrant of the Desert." The Diablos is extremely territorial and will use its massive horns to charge at invaders. Diablos have the ability to borrow underground and use this ability to strike from below, however, their sensitive ears make them susceptible to Sonic Bombs. Despite their predatory appearance, they are herbivorous and mostly feed on cactus.

Diablos can be found in the Sandy Plains, the Lava Caverns, and the Flooded Forest of Monster Hunter Rise. In the Sandy Plains, it is usually found near the sand dunes, while in the Lava Caverns it inhabits the lower levels. The Flooded Forest is a bit harder to find it, as it typically stays away from the heavily-forested areas.

  • Size: ♕ 1865.66 ♕ 2578.39
  • Hostile at medium range
  • Attacks other monsters: Yes



MH Rise Diablos Combat Info

Diablos can be forcibly brought to the surface by using loud sounds. And its charging attack, while devastatingly powerful, can be baited into colliding with anthills, momentarily getting the Diablos stuck.

  • Threat Level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Physical Damage monster
  • Resistant to
    fireblight icon mhr wiki guideFire (Immune)
  • Enraged Mode: Expels black smoke from its mouth and becomes even more aggressive.
  • Rampage: Diablos fills the rampage stalker icon monster hunter wiki guideStalker Role during Rampage missions. Stalkers tend to focus on attacking hunters, moving very quickly and stalking them across the Stronghold. They can also destroy Hunting Installations if a hunter is manning them.


Quick Combat Tips

  • Diablos' weakspots are its head and tail. However, its horns and tail tip are incredibly tough. Attacking its horn requires a weapon with Blue Sharpness at minimum to prevent it from deflecting your attacks. When attacking the tail, avoid the tail tip to deal maximum damage. Its abdomen and legs are also good spots for dealing damage if the monster's height proves too difficult to hit its head. Consistent pressure on its legs will cause a knockdown.
  • Diablos has a deceptively large hitbox for most of its attacks. Ensure sufficient spacing and dodge early to avoid its most devastating moves.
  • Diablos is weak to ice and water-based attacks, so bringing along a weapon with these elements will be beneficial in taking it down
  • Breaking both of Diablos' horns will reduce the range and damage of its charge attacks. Prioritize this to minimize its damage capabilities. However, beware as Diablos is most dangerous from its front so try to keep to its flank while aiming for its horns.
  • Diablos will often charge its prey with reckless abandon. Position yourself in front of walls and other solid structures to bait its charge and get its horns stuck, allowing for a window to counterattack.
  • Diablos likes to burrow underground and impale its opponents from below. You can force it out of the ground by using Sonic Bombs which will give you a small opening for punishment.
  • Flash Bombs will blind the Diablos temporarily, preventing it from using charge attacks for the duration.


Diablos Attacks & Moveset

Gore - Diablos' most common form of attack. It swivels its entire body from one side to the other and then in the opposite direction, attempting to impale hunters with its massive horns. This attack deals heavy damage and knocks players away. It has a very large hitbox, especially in the front of the monster but can also clock hunters from its flank.

Side Tackle - Diablos angles its side towards hunters and then forcefully bashes its entire body sidewards, sending hunters hit flying. This move has a very large hitbox and can catch hunters even from behind the attack's direction. Watch your positioning!

Charge Attack - Diablos will frequently charge at hunters attempting to impale them. Diablos' charging attacks are exceedingly dangerous, especially if the horns are intact and can result in a KO if hunters are not sufficiently prepared. Diablos performs three different variants of its charge with very subtle differences.

  • Quick Charge - Diablos steps back a very short distance while lowering its horns and then quickly dashes forward, impaling anything in its path.
  • Standard Charge - Diablos locks onto a target from a distance, lets out a quick roar and then dashes towards a hunter, flicking its horn outward at the end of the run.
  • Powerful Charge - Diablos takes small deliberate steps to reposition itself as it picks a target and then violently shoves its horns into the dirt as it makes a mad dash forward, flicking its horns outwards at the end of the run. This charge deals the most damage and knocks players sky high.

Burrowing Strike - Diablos dives into the ground and begins burrowing towards its target. Its path is indicated by crumbling debris. When it reaches its target, it bursts forth underneath them, dealing devastating damage and launching hunters caught in the attack. If the Diablos is enraged, it will burrow a short distance away from its target and then violently jump out of the ground towards them, bashing them with its horns. This enraged version hits twice, once as the monster lands and then the follow up horn bash. Shield users beware of this double hit and do not end your guard prematurely. If you are not confident with your dodging ability, sheathe your weapon immediately when you see the Diablos dive underground and prepare to do an Emergency Evade.

Tail Sweep - Diablos lowers its head and tilts it sideways and then sweeps its tail in a near 180-degree arc and then once more, returning it to its original orientation. Be aware of the double spin and do not commit to a counter until both sweeps are done.

Tail Smash - Diablos quickly turns backwards and whips its tail aggressively at the ground behind it, sending a large chunk of debris hurtling towards hunters. It often does this when hunters keep their distance.

Diablos Weaknesses

The table below indicates the various parts of Diablos, including the damage values for each weapon type. This information is specific to MHRise.

Diablos Parts cut damage icon monster hunter rise wiki guide small blunt damage icon monster hunter rise wiki guide small ammo damage icon monster hunter rise wiki guide small
Head 45 60 40
Horn 21 42 20
Neck 40 40 25
Abdomen 65 70 40
Back 25 42 35
Wing 40 30 60
Leg 35 35 35
Tail 50 24 45
Tail Tip 23 26 10


The table below indicates the various parts of Diablos, including the damage values for each element. This information is specific to MHRise.

Diablos Parts fireblight icon mhr wiki guide waterblight icon mhr wiki guide thunderblight icon mhr wiki guide iceblightg icon mhr wiki guide dragonblight icon mhr wiki guide
Head 0 15 10 25 15
Horn 0 20 10 25 20
Neck 0 15 5 20 15
Abdomen 0 25 10 30 25
Back 0 20 10 25 20
Wing 0 25 10 30 25
Leg 0 10 5 15 10
Tail 0 20 10 15 20
Tail Tip 0 20 10 25 20


Diablos Ailment Effectiveness

The higher the bars on the graphs and the more stars, the more advantageous it will be for the player. This information is specific to MHRise.

Poison ⭐
Paralysis ⭐⭐⭐
Sleep ⭐
Blast ⭐⭐
Exhaust ⭐
Fireblight ⭐
Waterblight ⭐
Thunderblight ⭐
Iceblight ⭐⭐


poison icon monster hunter rise wiki guide 25pxPoison Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments poisongraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


stun icon mhr wiki guideStun Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments stungraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


paralysis icon mhr wiki guideParalysis Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments paralysisgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


sleep monster hunter rise wiki guideSleep Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments sleepgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


blast monster hunter rise wiki guideBlast Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments blastgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


exhaust monster hunter rise wiki guideExhaust Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments exhaustgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


fireblight icon mhr wiki guideFireblight Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments fireblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


waterblight icon mhr wiki guideWaterblight Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments waterblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


thunderblight icon mhr wiki guideThunderblight Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments thunderblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


iceblightg icon mhr wiki guideIceblight Status Effect Graph

diablos large monsters ailments iceblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide 500px


Diablos Materials

The tables below contain information on the materials that can be obtained from the Low Rank, High Rank and Master Rank variations of Diablos. This information is specific to MHRise.

Master Rank

The table below indicates the various materials or items obtained from the Master Rank variation of Diablos, it also includes the percentage chance of acquiring the materials.

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Break Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
almudron shell monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Cortex 24% 40% -- 39% (Body), 13% (Tail) 24%, 50%
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Chine 42% 33% 80% (Back) 48% (Body) 35%
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Tailcase+ 10% 12% -- 70% (Tail) --
dash extract material mhr wiki guideDash Extract 9%[x2] -- -- -- 25%[x2], 15[x2]
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Medulla 12% 10% 20% (Back) 10% (Body), 12% (Tail)  --
wyvern gem material mhr wiki guideLarge Wyvern Gem 3% 5% -- 3% (Body), 5% (Tail) 1%
almudron claw monster hunter rise wiki guideTwisted Stouthorn -- -- 100% (Both Horns) -- --
large wyvern tear hunter rise wiki guideLarge Wyvern Tear -- -- -- -- 50%
afflicted dire horn materials monster hunter rise wiki 35pxAfflicted Dire Horn -- -- 40% 40% --

High Rank Diablos

The table below indicates the various materials obtained from the High Rank variation of Diablos and the drop rates for each.

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Break Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
almudron shell monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Carapace 18% 29% -- 40% (Body), 13% (Tail) 24%, 50%
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Ridge+ 35% 23% 50% (Back) 33% (Body) 35%
diablo fang material mhr wiki guideDiablos Fang 13%[x2] 11%[x2] -- 12%[x2] (Body) --
diablos tailcase material mhr wiki guideDiablos Tailcase 5% 9% -- 70% (Tail) --
dash extract material mhr wiki guideDash Extract 9%[x2] -- -- -- 25%[x2], 15%[x2]
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Marrow 10% 13% 30% (Back) 7% (Body) --
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Medulla 7% 10% 20% (Back) 5% (Body), 12% (Tail) --
wyvern gem material mhr wiki guideWyvern Gem 3% 5% -- 3% (Body), 5% (Tail) 1%
almudron claw monster hunter rise wiki guideMajestic Horn -- -- 100% (Both Horns) -- --
great izuchi tail monster hunter rise wiki guideWyvern Tear -- -- -- -- 10%
great izuchi tail monster hunter rise wiki guideLarge Wyvern Tear -- -- -- -- 40%


Low Rank Diablos

The table below indicates the various materials obtained from the Low Rank variation of Diablos and the drop rates for each.

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Break Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
diablos shell material mhr wiki guideDiablos Shell 16% 28% -- 40% (Body), 18% (Tail) 15%, 50%
diablos ridge material mhr wiki guideDiablos Ridge 33% 25% 80% (Back) 32% (Body) 35%
diablo fang material mhr wiki guideDiablos Fang 25% 21% -- 23% (Body) --
diablos tailcase material mhr wiki guideDiablos Tailcase 7% 16% -- 70% (Tail) --
dash extract material mhr wiki guideDash Extract 12% -- -- -- 35%, 15%[x2]
gajau whisker+ monster hunter rise wiki guideDiablos Marrow 7% 10% 20% (Back) 5% (Body), 12% (Tail) --
majestic horn material mhr wiki guideTwisted Horn -- -- 100% (Both Horns) -- --
great izuchi tail monster hunter rise wiki guideWyvern Tear -- -- -- -- 50%



Diablos Weapons & Armor

The following are weapons and armor sets related to Diablos. This information is specific to MHRise.


Diablos Buddy Weapons & Armor

The following are Palico and Palamute weapons and armor sets related to Diablos. This information is specific to MHRise.


Diablos Notes & Trivia

  • Introduced in Monster Hunter.
  • Name written as 角龙/角龍 in Chinese.


Large Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise
Aknosom  ♦  Almudron  ♦  Amatsu  ♦  Anjanath  ♦  Apex Arzuros  ♦  Apex Diablos  ♦  Apex Mizutsune  ♦  Apex Rathalos  ♦  Apex Rathian  ♦  Apex Zinogre  ♦  Arzuros  ♦  Astalos  ♦  Aurora Somnacanth  ♦  Barioth  ♦  Barroth  ♦  Basarios  ♦  Bazelgeuse  ♦  Bishaten  ♦  Blood Orange Bishaten  ♦  Chameleos  ♦  Chaotic Gore Magala  ♦  Crimson Glow Valstrax  ♦  Daimyo Hermitaur  ♦  Espinas  ♦  Flaming Espinas  ♦  Furious Rajang  ♦  Gaismagorm  ♦  Garangolm  ♦  Gold Rathian  ♦  Gore Magala  ♦  Goss Harag  ♦  Great Baggi  ♦  Great Izuchi  ♦  Great Wroggi  ♦  Jyuratodus  ♦  Khezu  ♦  Kulu-Ya-Ku  ♦  Kushala Daora  ♦  Lagombi  ♦  Lucent Nargacuga  ♦  Lunagaron  ♦  Magma Almudron  ♦  Magnamalo  ♦  Malzeno  ♦  Mizutsune  ♦  Nargacuga  ♦  Narwa the Allmother  ♦  Primordial Malzeno  ♦  Pukei-Pukei  ♦  Pyre Rakna-Kadaki  ♦  Rajang  ♦  Rakna-Kadaki  ♦  Rathalos  ♦  Rathian  ♦  Risen Chameleos  ♦  Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax  ♦  Risen Kushala Daora  ♦  Risen Shagaru Magala  ♦  Risen Teostra  ♦  Royal Ludroth  ♦  Scorned Magnamalo  ♦  Seething Bazelgeuse  ♦  Seregios  ♦  Shagaru Magala  ♦  Shogun Ceanataur  ♦  Silver Rathalos  ♦  Somnacanth  ♦  Teostra  ♦  Tetranadon  ♦  Thunder Serpent Narwa  ♦  Tigrex  ♦  Tobi-Kadachi  ♦  Velkhana  ♦  Violet Mizutsune  ♦  Volvidon  ♦  Wind Serpent Ibushi  ♦  Zinogre

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    • Anonymous

      Paralysis is shown on the page as being 3 star effect (so the best) yet the monster's graph indicates that it's basically immune to paralysis. I think I'ma trust the in-game table over this webpage.

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