Crimson Glow Valstrax

奇しき赫耀のバルファルク (Kushiki Kakuyou no Barufaruku)

crimson glow valstrax render large monster mhrise wiki guide
Enemy Type Large Monster
Class Elder Dragon
Threat Level 10⭐
Element dragonblight icon mhr wiki guideDragon
Ailment(s) dragonblight icon mhr wiki guideDragonblight
Weakness(es) fireblight icon mhr wiki guideFire
waterblight icon mhr wiki guideWater
thunderblight icon mhr wiki guideThunder
iceblightg icon mhr wiki guideIce 
Resistance(s) dragonblight icon mhr wiki guideDragon
Location(s) Shrine Ruins
Frost Islands
Sandy Plains 
Flooded Forest 
Lava Caverns 
The Citadel
The Jungle
Rampage Role N/A

Crimson Glow Valstrax is a Large Monster that appears in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise). It is a species variant of Valstrax from other titles. Large Monsters like Crimson Glow Valstrax are hostile and are usually the primary objective of Hunts. They provide valuable Materials when defeated. 

The item with the lowest drop chance, dropped by Crimson Glow Valstrax, is the teostra gem mhr wiki guideRed Dragon Orb, which is the item that will have hunters farming Crimson Glow Valstrax for a while. Check our Builds to get better prepared against Crimson Glow Valstrax and farm the item more quickly.

Crimson Glow Valstrax Guide: Characteristics, Weaknesses, Drops, Locations, Weapons & Armor, Strategies, Tips & Tricks and more to help you defeat Crimson Glow Valstrax in MH Rise.


Gaze up at the sky in fear
The crimson comet draws near
The light of the stars
Burns the earth to ash
Rends heaven in twain
With a final flash


MH Rise Crimson Glow Valstrax Characteristics & Ecology

A mutant Valstrax fearsomely dubbed the "Crimson Glow." This elder dragon typically secludes itself in the upper atmosphere, but it has been driven mad by its own rampant energy, causing it to lash out at anything in its sight. Once it sights its prey, it swoops down, trampling them beneath its shifting wingblades. Several have been sighted all over, so be prepared to encounter one at any time.

  • Size:  1836.88  ~ ♕ 2551.22
  • Hostile when ??
  • Attacks other monsters: Yes



MH Rise Crimson Glow Valstrax Combat Info

After channeling energy into its wings, it will unleash a powerful attack. It sucks in this energy from its chest, and that's the moment to wait for. Prevent it from powering up and cause the energy to combust, dealing serious damage to the creature.

  • Threat Level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Elemental dragonblight icon mhr wiki guideDragon Damage monster
  • Resistant to dragonblight icon mhr wiki guideDragon (Immune)
  • Enraged Mode: Red markings along its body and wings glow a bright crimson red and the monster begins spewing dragon energy from its shoulders and crown.
  • Rampage: Crimson Glow Valstrax currently cannot be fought in the Rampage.


Quick Combat Tips

  • If you are engaging against the Crimson Glow Valstrax in a party of multiple hunters, it is highly adviced to do a bit of exploring before encountering the monster to boost your health and stamina, to prevent or lower the chances of getting insta-killed.
  • Keep your health at maximum even if you are at 80% or 90%, otherwise Crimson Glow Valstrax might still insta-kill you, so always have those potions ready.
  • Crimson Glow Valstrax may be more dangerous at long range than being close to it. The mindset to fight against it is that you should try to gain space, you should try to steal space from the monster.
  • Crimson Glow Valstrax has many quick ranged attack that may require your to carefully time the moment to dodge them, so you shouldn't lose the monster from your sight, always keep it on check as being far from it, doesn't mean you are safe from it. 
  • Save a wirebug to dodge the attack where it flies up in the air and hits a random hunter by slamming violently to the ground. A red glare can be seen over the target it chose before hitting it, that's the moment to wirebug out of there as quick as possible. This attack is very lethal, and it's advice that while playing in a party, players separate to avoid confusion of who's gonna get hit.


Crimson Glow Valstrax Attacks & Moveset

  • Info to be added


Crimson Glow Valstrax Weaknesses

The table below indicates the various parts of Crimson Glow Valstrax, including the damage values for each weapon type. This information is specific to MHRise.

Crimson Glow Valstrax Parts cut damage icon monster hunter rise wiki guide small blunt damage icon monster hunter rise wiki guide small ammo damage icon monster hunter rise wiki guide small
Head 55 60 35
Neck 40 30 15
Torso 30 25 10
Chest 30 25 10
Foreleg 25 24 25
Wing 22 45 25
Hind Leg 25 24 15
Wingarm 45 45 45
Tail 45 24 20


The table below indicates the various parts of Crimson Glow Valstrax, including the damage values for each element. This information is specific to MHRise.

Crimson Glow Valstrax Parts fireblight icon mhr wiki guide waterblight icon mhr wiki guide thunderblight icon mhr wiki guide iceblightg icon mhr wiki guide dragonblight icon mhr wiki guide
Head 25 25 25 25 0
Neck 25 25 25 25 0
Torso 20 20 20 20 0
Chest 20 20 20 20 0
Foreleg 25 25 25 25 0
Wing 25 25 25 25 0
Hind Leg 15 15 15 15 0
Wingarm 15 15 15 15 0
Tail 20 20 20 20 0


Crimson Glow Valstrax Ailment Effectiveness

The higher the bars on the graphs and the more stars, the more advantageous it will be for the player. This information is specific to MHRise.

Blast ⭐⭐
Fireblight ⭐
Waterblight ⭐
Thunderblight ⭐
Iceblight ⭐


poison icon monster hunter rise wiki guide 25pxPoison Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments poisongraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


stun icon mhr wiki guideStun Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments stungraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


paralysis icon mhr wiki guideParalysis Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments paralysisgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


sleep monster hunter rise wiki guideSleep Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments sleepgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


blast monster hunter rise wiki guideBlast Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments blastgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


exhaust monster hunter rise wiki guideExhaust Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments exhaustgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


fireblight icon mhr wiki guideFireblight Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments fireblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


waterblight icon mhr wiki guideWaterblight Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments waterblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


thunderblight icon mhr wiki guideThunderblight Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments thunderblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


iceblightg icon mhr wiki guideIceblight Status Effect Graph

crimson glow valstrax large monsters ailments iceblightgraph monster hunter rise wiki guide


Crimson Glow Valstrax Materials

The tables below contain information on the materials that can be obtained from the Low Rank, High Rank and Master Rank variations of Crimson Glow Valstrax. This information is specific to MHRise.

Master Rank Crimson Glow Valstrax

The table below indicates the various materials obtained from the Master Rank variation of Crimson Glow Valstrax and the drop rates for each.

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Break Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
rathalos shell monster hunter rise wiki guideGlittering Shell 14% -- 20% (Foreleg) 28% (Body) 24%, 50%
rathalos scale+ material mhr wiki guideShimmering Shard 24% -- 77% (Head), 79% (Chest) 36% (Body), 17% (Tail) 25%
nargacuga fang+ material mhr wiki guideValstrax Talon 19% -- 10% (Wing), 80% (Foreleg) 14% (Body) --
basarios carapace material mhr wiki guideValstrax Spineshell + 13% -- 90% (Back) -- --
basarios tail material mhr wiki guideValstrax Helixtail 10% -- -- 80% (Tail) --
elder dragon blood material mhr wiki guideSeething Crimson Liquid 15% -- 20%[x2] (Head), 10%[x2] (Back), 20% (Chest) -- 32%, 25%[x2]
teostra gem mhr wiki guideRed Dragon Orb 4% -- -- -- 3%
malzeno bloodstone mhr wiki guideRed Dragonsphire 2% -- 3% 3% 1%
rathalos wing material mhr wiki guideRouge Lancewing + -- -- 90% (Wing) 21% (Body) --
dragon treasure hunter rise wiki guideOld Dragon Treasure -- -- -- -- 40%

High Rank Crimson Glow Valstrax

The table below indicates the various materials obtained from the High Rank variation of Crimson Glow Valstrax and the drop rates for each.

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Break Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
rathalos shell monster hunter rise wiki guideGleaming Shell 14% - 20% (Foreleg) 28% (Body) 25%, 50%
rathalos scale+ material mhr wiki guideShimmering Scale 26% - 77% (Head), 79% (Chest) 36% (Body), 17% (Tail) 25%
nargacuga fang+ material mhr wiki guideValstrax Claw+ 20% - 10% (Wing), 80% (Foreleg) 14% (Body) -
basarios carapace material mhr wiki guideValstrax Spineshell 13% - 90% (Back) - -
basarios tail material mhr wiki guideValstrax Tail 10% - - 80% (Tail) -
elder dragon blood material mhr wiki guideCrimson Liquid 15% - 20%[x2] (Head), 10%[x2] (Back), 20% (Chest) - 34%, 25%[x2]
teostra gem mhr wiki guideRed Dragon Orb 2% -- 3% (Head), 1% (Chest) 1% (Body), 3% (Tail) 1%
rathalos wing material mhr wiki guideRouge Spikewing - - 90% (Wing) 21% (Body) -
dragon treasure hunter rise wiki guideDragon Treasure - - - - 40%


Low Rank Crimson Glow Valstrax

This monster is only available in High Rank and Master Rank content.



Crimson Glow Valstrax Weapons & Armor

The following are weapons and armor sets related to Crimson Glow Valstrax. This information is specific to MHRise.





Crimson Glow Valstrax Buddy Weapons & Armor

The following are Palico and Palamute weapons and armor sets related to Crimson Glow Valstrax. This information is specific to MHRise.




Crimson Glow Valstrax Notes & Trivia

  • Introduced in Monster Hunter Rise.
  • Added to Monster Hunter Rise with Title Update 3.0 on May 2021.


Large Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise
Aknosom  ♦  Almudron  ♦  Amatsu  ♦  Anjanath  ♦  Apex Arzuros  ♦  Apex Diablos  ♦  Apex Mizutsune  ♦  Apex Rathalos  ♦  Apex Rathian  ♦  Apex Zinogre  ♦  Arzuros  ♦  Astalos  ♦  Aurora Somnacanth  ♦  Barioth  ♦  Barroth  ♦  Basarios  ♦  Bazelgeuse  ♦  Bishaten  ♦  Blood Orange Bishaten  ♦  Chameleos  ♦  Chaotic Gore Magala  ♦  Daimyo Hermitaur  ♦  Diablos  ♦  Espinas  ♦  Flaming Espinas  ♦  Furious Rajang  ♦  Gaismagorm  ♦  Garangolm  ♦  Gold Rathian  ♦  Gore Magala  ♦  Goss Harag  ♦  Great Baggi  ♦  Great Izuchi  ♦  Great Wroggi  ♦  Jyuratodus  ♦  Khezu  ♦  Kulu-Ya-Ku  ♦  Kushala Daora  ♦  Lagombi  ♦  Lucent Nargacuga  ♦  Lunagaron  ♦  Magma Almudron  ♦  Magnamalo  ♦  Malzeno  ♦  Mizutsune  ♦  Nargacuga  ♦  Narwa the Allmother  ♦  Primordial Malzeno  ♦  Pukei-Pukei  ♦  Pyre Rakna-Kadaki  ♦  Rajang  ♦  Rakna-Kadaki  ♦  Rathalos  ♦  Rathian  ♦  Risen Chameleos  ♦  Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax  ♦  Risen Kushala Daora  ♦  Risen Shagaru Magala  ♦  Risen Teostra  ♦  Royal Ludroth  ♦  Scorned Magnamalo  ♦  Seething Bazelgeuse  ♦  Seregios  ♦  Shagaru Magala  ♦  Shogun Ceanataur  ♦  Silver Rathalos  ♦  Somnacanth  ♦  Teostra  ♦  Tetranadon  ♦  Thunder Serpent Narwa  ♦  Tigrex  ♦  Tobi-Kadachi  ♦  Velkhana  ♦  Violet Mizutsune  ♦  Volvidon  ♦  Wind Serpent Ibushi  ♦  Zinogre


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    • Anonymous

      Huh. 'Attacks: TBD'.
      Just more proof fextralife stops updating wikis once they stop being new enough to drag people into their garbage twitch viewership.
      I mean, Crimson Glow Valstrax has only been in the game how how long?

      Lazy garbage wiki that muscled out REAL wikis where people try to post all information.

      • Anonymous

        Trying to figure out how to kill the Valtrax. the main problem is when he fly's out of the screen and then he ambushes you. You can't shield so what do you do?

        • Anonymous

          The design of this fight is so wired. He just does nothing for an eternity then throws out a super fast attack and continues to just do nothing afterwards. Either make the monster fast like furious rajang or slow like gaismagorm but don't try to mix both together, it just ends up in the unnatural feeling of this fight.

          • Anonymous

            The MR beam attack is so dogshit annoying to evade in multiplayer. The new "snap" beam where he flicks down the wings to snipe off his target one more time will have its aim re-adjusted if the target repositions from the first beam, and that creates unpredictable moments where other players get ****ed out of nowhere by the 2nd beam simply because the aggro'd hunter just ran to the front of their direction.

            • Anonymous

              Valstrax is immune to all element when charged. Don't bother taking any elemental weapons. No, it's not just the dragonblight, it's its charge that made it immune.

              • Anonymous

                I do not get the point behind a monster like this. Why lock it so far into either rank? Its High Rank versions equipment is now useless for Master Rank and the master rank version is so far in its completely pointless to make its armor/weapons by the time you get to it.

                • Anonymous

                  is crimson glow valstrax a deviant? because if it isn't, it's sort of a seething bazelgeuse situation, where its kinda just really highly charged.

                  • Anonymous

                    I just feel like these don't look as cool as they did in generations ultimate but I won't complain too much.

                    • Anonymous

                      Am I the only one who’s thinks it gains immunity to elemental damage whenever a body part is infused with dragon element? I swear it at least lowers the damage taken from element whenever it charges up.

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