Bnahabra Set

Level 1 Rarity 2
defense_icon_monster_hunter_rise_wiki_guide_24px 70  decortation_icon_monster_hunter_rise_wiki_guide_24px --
fireblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide waterblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide thunderblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide iceblightg-icon-mhr-wiki-guide dragonblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide
-10 0 0 0 10


helm-headgear-icon-monster-hunter-rise-wiki-guide Down x1
torso-chest-plate-icon-monster-hunter-rise-wiki-guide Attack x1
arms-gauntlets-icon-monster-hunter-rise-wiki-guide Window x1
waist-belt-icon-monster-hunter-rise-wiki-guide Attack x1
feet-boots-greaves-icon-monster-hunter-rise-wiki-guide Down x1

Bnahabra Set in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise) is an Armor Set. Sets are comprised of five different pieces and can be complemented with other pieces of equipment. An armor set and its pieces contain special effects when equipped, and combine Skills depending on the pieces equipped.



Bnahabra Set Notes

Equipping various piece of the Bnahabra Set at the same time will grant the following benefits:

Bnahabra Set can be crafted with the following materials:


Bnahabra Set Pieces

The Bnahabra Set is comprised of 5 pieces, as shown below

Piece & Icon

defense_icon_monster_hunter_rise_wiki_guide_24px decortation_icon_monster_hunter_rise_wiki_guide_24px fireblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide waterblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide thunderblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide iceblightg-icon-mhr-wiki-guide dragonblight-icon-mhr-wiki-guide

Bnahabra Hat
Bnahabra Hat

14 -- -2 0 0 0 2

Bnahabra Suit
Bnahabra Suit

14 -- -2 0 0 0 2

Bnahabra Gloves
Bnahabra Gloves

14 -- -2 0 0 0 2

Bnahabra Coil
Bnahabra Coil

14 -- -2 0 0 0 2

Bnahabra Boots
Bnahabra Boots

14 -- -2 0 0 0 2



Bnahabra Set Upgrades & Augments

Upgrading the Bnahabra Set to its armor limits.

Costs __upgradezennyprice__ zenny_monster_hunter_rise_wiki_guide  per piece

  • Base: Level 1 with 70 Defense
  • Max: Level __maxlevel__ with __maxleveldefense__ Defense __upgradecost__
  • Augmented: Level __augmentlevel__ with __augmenteddefense__ Defense __augmentcost__
  • __augmentmaterials__



Monster Hutner Rise Armor Sets
Aelucanth S Set  ♦  Aelucanth Set  ♦  Aknosom S Set  ♦  Aknosom Set  ♦  Alloy S Set  ♦  Alloy Set  ♦  Almudron S Set  ♦  Almudron Set  ♦  Anja S Set  ♦  Anja Set  ♦  Arzuros S Set  ♦  Arzuros Set  ♦  Baggi S Set  ♦  Baggi Set  ♦  Barioth S Set  ♦  Barioth Set  ♦  Barroth S Set  ♦  Barroth Set  ♦  Basarios S Set  ♦  Basarios Set  ♦  Bazel Set  ♦  Bishaten S Set  ♦  Bishaten Set  ♦  Black Leather Set  ♦  Bnahabra S Set  ♦  Bone S Set  ♦  Bone Set  ♦  Brigade S Set  ♦  Brigade Set  ♦  Bullfango S Set  ♦  Bullfango Set  ♦  Chainmail S Set  ♦  Chainmail Set  ♦  Channeler S Set  ♦  Channeler Set  ♦  Chaos S Set  ♦  Chaos Set  ♦  Chrome Metal Set  ♦  Damascus Set  ♦  Death Stench S Set  ♦  Death Stench Set  ♦  Diablos S Set  ♦  Dober Set  ♦  Droth S Set  ♦  Droth Set  ♦  Edel S Set  ♦  Edel Set  ♦  Flame Seal Set  ♦  Gargwa S Set  ♦  Gargwa Set  ♦  Golden Set  ♦  Goss Harag S Set  ♦  Goss Harag Set  ♦  Hunter S Set  ♦  Hunter Set  ♦  Ibushi Set  ♦  Ingot S Set  ♦  Ingot Set  ♦  Izuchi S Set  ♦  Izuchi Set  ♦  Jaggi Mask S Set  ♦  Jaggi Mask Set  ♦  Jaggi S Set  ♦  Jaggi Set  ♦  Jelly S Set  ♦  Jelly Set  ♦  Jyura Set  ♦  Kadachi S Set  ♦  Kadachi Set  ♦  Kaiser Set  ♦  Kamura S Set  ♦  Kamura Set  ♦  Khezu S Set  ♦  Khezu Set  ♦  Kulu S Set  ♦  Kulu Set  ♦  Kushala Set  ♦  Lagombi S Set  ♦  Lagombi Set  ♦  Leather S Set  ♦  Leather Set  ♦  Ludroth S Set  ♦  Ludroth Set  ♦  Makluva S Set  ♦  Makluva Set  ♦  Medium S Set  ♦  Medium Set  ♦  Melahoa S Set  ♦  Melahoa Set  ♦  Mighty Bow Feather Set  ♦  Mizuha Set  ♦  Mizutsune S Set  ♦  Mizutsune Set  ♦  Mosgharl S Set  ♦  Mosgharl Set  ♦  Nargacuga S Set  ♦  Nargacuga Set  ♦  Narwa Set  ♦  Pukei S Set  ♦  Pukei Set  ♦  Rakna-Kadaki Set  ♦  Rathalos S Set  ♦  Rathalos Set  ♦  Rathian S Set  ♦  Rathian Set  ♦  Remobra S Set  ♦  Remobra Set  ♦  Rhenoplos S Set  ♦  Rhenoplos Set  ♦  Rhopessa S Set  ♦  Rhopessa Set  ♦  Rhopessa Vertex Set  ♦  Shell-Studded S Set  ♦  Shell-Studded Set  ♦  Sinister S Set  ♦  Sinister Set  ♦  Skalda S Set  ♦  Skalda Set  ♦  Skull S Set  ♦  Skull Set  ♦  Slagtoth S Set  ♦  Slagtoth Set  ♦  Somnacanth S Set  ♦  Somnacanth Set  ♦  Spio S Set  ♦  Spio Set  ♦  Tetranadon S Set  ♦  Tetranadon Set  ♦  Tigrex S Set  ♦  Tigrex Set  ♦  Uroktor S Set  ♦  Uroktor Set  ♦  Utsushi S Set (Visible)  ♦  Utsushi Set (Hidden)  ♦  Vaik S Set  ♦  Vaik Set  ♦  Valstrax Set  ♦  Volvidon S Set  ♦  Volvidon Set  ♦  Wroggi S Set  ♦  Wroggi Set  ♦  Zinogre S Set  ♦  Zinogre Set


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    • Anonymous

      Anyone have any idea when you can actually craft this? I have all the components needed and their exact required amounts, but I can can't craft it yet. Do I need to complete more village quests?

      • Anonymous

        is there a specific point I need to reach for this armor to become craftable, I uave the conponents and its not showing in the armory

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